Hi, I'm Niki
Service Designer.
Workshop Lead.
About me
I'm a human centred design, facilitation and research practitioner.
I bring creativity, calm, clarity and bucket loads of people skills to the innovation process.

My work is never far from a social initiative. If you're interested in improving people's lives we'll probably get on!
How can I help?
  • Service design
    I collaborate with people to
    co-design, develop and improve systems, services, programmes and learning experiences.
  • Facilitation
    I train, coach and work alongside teams to help them learn design thinking, research methods and to engage with a diverse range of people.
  • Research
    I research and evaluate social innovation projects and practice, and share findings in accessible ways.
Design Club
A social enterprise teaching children design thinking as a life skill. Design Club provides materials and toolkits to support mentors to deliver sessions.

Role: Development Lead
Steered the development of a baseline curriculum and materials, guidance and training for mentors, advised on processes involving volunteer management, and contributed to overall strategic direction.
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Magdalen EATS
A multicultural community building initiative designed to reduce isolation and improve people's overall wellbeing through social learning activities such as cooking.

Role: Project Lead
Facilitated the co-creation of session content with the local community and content experts; created comms, designed an evaluation framework, tool kits, processes as well as securing additional funding to sustain the project.
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